VIDEO - Unhappy with life? Self-sabotage may be to blame.

Do you feel unhappy in one or more areas of your life? It could be that you’re sabotaging yourself without realizing it. In this video, I talk about what to look for in your thoughts and self-talk and how to break the cycle of getting in your own way. You may be ignoring your “negative” feelings, cruising on autopilot, or continuing to repeat patterns and cycles that are working against you.

Feelings are information - they are neither negative nor positive, but the ones that feel heavy to us are trying to wake us up to what’s not working. Autopilot may be “easy,” but it that sense of ease is about a level of comfort with what you’re tolerating - even when it’s not serving you. There are likely significant patterns and cycles taking place in your life that you’re not fully conscious of because you’re accustomed to them, but the fact that the cycle is on repeat can serve as an important clue to what needs to shift in your life.

Watch and learn how to identify how you’re holding yourself back and what to do about it.

Click below to watch.


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